Well Woman - A Prescripton for Lifelong Heath - Dr Frances Pitsilis
Diet & Lifestyle - Sleep - Hormones - Stress Management - Ageing Well
Women's health issues are very different to those of men. Our hormones, our experience of pain (mental and physical), and the likely chronic health conditions we are likely to suffer are all different. Dr Frances focusses on women in this book, to help them find their way back to optimal physical health and wellbeing. Her advice goes beyond what you've heard in a regular doctor's office.
Well Woman explores holistic solutions to help you make changes that improve your well-being in both the short and long term. If you are looking to maintain your health, vitality and age gracefully, this book is for you. No matter which stage of life you are at, Well Woman contains the information you need to take charge of your health and wellness. It's for all women who want to be more resilient and live a full, vital life.
Dr Frances Pitsillis draws on her extensive experience as an integrative medicine doctor and her further qualifications in nutritional biochemistry, nutrition, diet and hormonal balance.
Over her thirty-year career she has cared for women of all ages who have come to her with diverse medical challenges.
A keen researcher who keeps her finger on the pulse of cutting-edge medicine, Dr Pitsillis is respected for her holistic approach to healthcare which extends beyond the traditional medical model while remaining evidence based.