" The Best (not so) Little Bookshop in Canterbury since 2007"
Mark of the Lion: the Story of Charles Upham VC & Bar - Kenneth Sandford
Poutini: The Ngai Tahu History of the West Coast - Paul Madgwick
Middlemore Hospital: The First Two Decades 1943-1964 - Earle Brown & Walter (Wally) Robins
Te Hau Kāinga: The Māori Home Front during the Second World War - Angela Wanhalla, Sarah Christie, Lachy Paterson, Ross Webb, Erica Newman
Fairer Side of Buxton - Clare Glesson
Force Of Nature/Te Aumangea O Te Turoa - David Young, Naomi Arnold
Becoming Aotearoa: A new history of New Zealand - Michael Belgrave
Leslie Adkin: Farmer Photographer - Athol McCredie
Rewena and Rabbit Stew - The Rural Kitchen in Aotearoa, 1800-1940 - Katie Cooper
Safe Haven: (New Enlarged Edition) - Neil Frances
Tank of Tobruk : A New Zealand YMCA Secretary At War - Hector Tankersley MBE
Frontline Surgeon: New Zealand medical pioneer Douglas Jolly - Mark Derby
Our GameMakers: Women's Rugby: Conversations with the players who built the game from the ground up - Paula George & Jo Caird
Pressing On: The Story of New Zealands's Newspapers 1921-2000 - Ian F Grant
Nailed Boots & Crinoline Gowns : Women On The Rural Frontier In The Nineteenth Century - Robert Peden
Hard by the Cloud House - Peter Walker
Leading The Way: 100 Years Of Tararua Tramping Club - Shaun Barnett & Chris Maclean
The Team That Hit the Rocks: the inside story of the Wahine disaster - Peter Jerram
Those Who Have the Courage: The History of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps - Matthew Wright
Te Ata o Tu: The Shadow of Tumatauenga: The New Zealand War Collections of Te Papa - Matiu Baker, Katie Cooper, Michael Fitzgerald and Rebecca Rice (editors)
Kiwis In Conflict - A history of New Zealanders at War - Chris Pugsley with Laurie Barber, Buddy Mikaere, Nigel Prickett and Rose Young
Traditional Lifeways of the Southern Maori - James Herries Beattie
New Zealand Migration - Philippa Werry
Flora: Celebrating Our Botanical World - Carlos Lehnebach (Editor), Claire Regnault (Editor), Rebecca Rice (Editor), Isaac Te Awa (Editor), Rachel Yates (Editor)