" The Best (not so) Little Bookshop in Canterbury since 2007"
Council of Horses Oracle: A 40-Card Deck & Guidebook - Sandra Wallin & Kim McElroy
Spirits In Flowers Oracle Cards: A 52-Card Deck & Guidebook - Gillian Kemp
Soul Coaching Oracle Cards: A 52-Card Deck & Guidebook - Denise Linn
Tarot Kit - Editors of Chartwell
Intuitive Whispers Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook - Maude Hirst
Wisdom of the Oracle Pocket Divination Cards: A 52-Card Oracle Deck for Love, Happiness, Spiritual Growth, and Living Your Purpose - Colette Baron-Reid
Feminine Wisdom Oracle: Awaken your intuitive energy - Lea Androic
The Writer's Oracle Deck and Guidebook
The Ancient Stones Oracle - Rebecca Campbell
The Rose Pocket Oracle - Rebecca Campbell, Illustrated by Katie-Louise
Sacred Light Oracle: Ascension Cards for the Spiritual Seeker - Anna Stark
Amenti Oracle Cards : 42 Feather Card Deck & Guidebook - Jennifer Sodini