" The Best (not so) Little Bookshop in Canterbury since 2007"
Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack - Lynley Dodd
Zachary Quack Minimonster - Lynley Dodd
Hairy Maclary Scattercat - Lynley Dodd
Slinky Malinki - Lynley Dodd
Scarface Claw - Lynley Dodd
Slinky Malinki, Open The Door - Lynley Dodd
On the Farm: Machines - Lee Lamb
A Lion in the Meadow - Margaret Mahy (board book)
Schnitzel Von Krumm's Basketwork - Lynley Dodd Board Book
Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy - Lynley Dodd Board Book
Ngā Manu Māori - Native Birds - Kuwi & Friends
He Whangote: Mammals - Kuwi & Friends
He Tae, He Āhuaranga, He Tau - Colours, Shapes & Numbers - Kuwi & Friends
Pukeko Counts to 10 / Ka Tatau a Pukeko ki te 10 - Ben Brown & Helen Taylor
Big Emotions for Little People - Rebekah Lipp & Craig Phillips
A Dragon in a Wagon by Lynley Dodd