" The Best (not so) Little Bookshop in Canterbury since 2007"
The Great Kiwi School Day - Donovan Bixley
Te Ra Kura Ki Aotearoa - Donovan Bixley
My First Words About Tikanga Māori - Stacey Morrison
The Storyteller's Handbook: 52 Illustrations to Inspire Your Own Tales and Adventures
Lucy and the Dark - Melinda Szymanik & Vasanti Unka
You Don't Know How Lucky You Are!: Me i Mohio Koe ki to Waimarietanga! - Belinda O'Keefe
My Bum's on THE RUN! - Dawn McMillan
Nga Wira o te Pahi- Donovan Bixley
Ta te Kiwi 123 Puka Tatau - Donovan Bixley
Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy: 40th Birthday Edition -Lynley Dodd
There Was an Odd Farmer Who Swallowed a Fly - Peter Millett & Paul Beavis
Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
Twinkle Twinkle Matariki / Tirama Tirama Matariki - Rebecca Larsen
Billy Brute (Whose Teacher Was a Werewolf) - Issy Emeney
Thank You - Dana Winter
Tatty Ratty - Helen Cooper
Margaret's Unicorn - Briony May Smith
The Anzac Violin - Alexander Aitkens Story - Jennifer Beck & Robyn Belton
Moose The Pilot - Kimberly Andrews
Hound The Detective - Kimberly Andrews
Puffin The Architect - Kimberly Andrews
Goose The Artist - Kimberly Andrews
Mumapalooza: A Celebration of Mums - Sarina Dickson
Ngarara i roto i te kete: Bugs in the Kete - Katie Kool