" The Best (not so) Little Bookshop in Canterbury since 2007"
Bobby, the Littlest War Hero - Glyn Harper
Anzac Day Parade - Glenda Kane & Lisa Allen
A Place I Truly Belong: A Loveable Larry Story - Anita Hinton
A Bigger Digger - Brett Avison
Te Kuia me te Pungawerewere/The Kuia and the Spider - Patricia Grace
Te Tuna Watakirihi Me Nga Tamariki O Te Tiriti O Toa/Watercress Tuna and the Children of Champion Street
My Bum is So Noisy! - Dawn McMillan
Moon & Sun - Melinda Szymanik
Great Kiwi Bedtime Book - Donovan Bixley
Georgie is a Farmer - Gillian King & Georgina Archbold
The Dragon Riders - (Dragon Brothers Trilogy #3) - James Russell
How Maui Found His Father and the Magic Jawbone - Peter Gossage
Pipi Kiwi - Helen Taylor
Dozer the Fire Cat - Robyn Prokop
I've Broken My Bum! - Dawn McMillan
I Need A New Bum! - Dawn McMillan
The Dragon Tamers - (Dragon Brothers Trilogy #2) - James Russell
The Eel Hunt - Jennifer Somervell